Stronger United's MOOT UK 2016 Marchathon will take place between February 15 and December 21. Alex Olteanu, SU's President, will start out from Scotland's capital, Edinburgh, and walk across the United Kingdom for 311 days to meet with and talk to Britons from all walks of life about their future as UK citizens, as Europeans, and as global citizens.
With this unique, year-long event, we aim to motivate and energise all British citizens - students, seniors, families, professionals and activists - to take part in the critical national debate about how we will manage our own lives in the 21st Century. We will organise open, inclusive, substantive debates and deliberations about the changes we need to bring about in Britain, in Europe, and around the world so that we may secure more peaceful, more prosperous, more purposeful lives for ourselves and our children.
Alex will visit more than 300 locations in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and England and will bring the Marchaton to a culminating three-day Congress in England's spiritual capital, Coventry, during December 19,20, and 21. For specific dates and venues, please consult our Calendar here. To contribute to our Crowdfunding Target of 10,000 GBP (ten thousand pounds) to fund the marchathon, please click here.